
I have acquired valuable experience in all facets of troubleshooting, installations, and maintenance for various applications, desktop operations, hardware, and software. I possess a unique talent for delivering highly complex technical information into terms and concepts that the end users can readily grasp. Furthermore, I am very creative, multi-task oriented, enjoy challenge, and continually stay abreast of the latest advancements in the IT field.


From a very tender age, I had a father who emphasized strongly the need to achieve success in life through hard work, diligence, and consistent determination in whatever I set my mind on. He said success was the acquisition of knowledge to improve my life and have a positive effect on others which is independent of financial rewards that is only an added bonus. Although it was the collective message to all his children, it became my guiding principle to further dedicate complete attention in seeking knowledge. Though, I lived away from him most of my teenage years, the message continued to resonate in me and has spurred my every activity.

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